8 Tips to Write SEO Friendly Article (2023)

To rank high in search results, your articles should be SEO friendly and user friendly too.

But the task is how to write SEO friendly article. And what are the parameters to write SEO friendly article?

How to Write SEO Friendly Article

Search Engine Optimization ranking factors changes with time and you must know the important factors and implement those in your articles for performing better of your articles.

In this article, I have given the most effective tips to write SEO friendly article that will surely help you to rank better in search results.

Tips to Write SEO Friendly Article

1. Content is King

The most important thing to keep in mind while writing any article is that it should provide useful information to users.

“Content is King” is said because if the content in your article is useful enough to users then Search Engines will definitely like it and push your articles higher.

Your article must be unique and not be copied from other articles or other sources. You must do proper research and understand what the user wants to read then you should include those things in your article.

The article must be easily readable and understandable to users for staying in your article for a long time and better interact with your article.

2. Keyword Research

Before writing any article you must do proper keyword research like which keywords are mostly searched by users and what is ranking in search results.

Write your articles including those keywords. Use keywords in your headings and subheadings frequently as Google prioritizes headings and subheadings more.

And the content in your article should revolve around these keywords so it can help Google better understand your article and show it to users.

3. Catchy Headings and Subheadings

Headings and subheadings are very crucial in SEO point of view. Whenever a user searches any keyword on the internet, Search Engines look for matching headings and subheadings as their priority.

Your article’s headings and subheadings should be catchy enough to attract users to click and read the article.

As mentioned above, you should include important keywords in your headings and subheadings to create an SEO friendly article.

4. Proper Internal and External Links

Your article must have internal and external links referring to other pages of your site or pages of external sites.

You can put links relevant to the text in your article so that users can visit those pages and get the required information on a particular topic.

It is very important since it has several benefits:

  • Users will stay on your page for a long time navigating through internal links which gives a good signal to Google.
  • External links indicate that your site properly navigates through the right information needed for users which again gives a good signal to Google.
  • Internal linking also helps Google bots to crawl and index your site pages much faster.

5. Use Images and Videos

Use images and videos in your article which will make your article attractive enough for users to read and understand better.

The images should be relevant to the text you have written in the article. Make sure to add alt text to images and the images must be yours, not copied from someone else on the internet, or else you might get a copyright strike.

If you have your own youtube channel then you can put videos related to the article and in this way you can send traffic to your channel too.

But if you don’t have a youtube channel then don’t worry, you can use someone else video too, and you won’t get a copyright strike.

6. Optimize Your Article’s Length

The length of your article should be sufficient enough to provide users with the information they need.

Include necessary topics and subheadings related to the particular topic you are writing. Make sure that users don’t feel the need to visit another site for the missing piece of information.

The length of your article should comprise between 500 to 1000 words minimum. Increasing the length of your article will make it easy to get better rankings in search results.

7. Use Schema Markup

Use schema markup in your articles to help Google better understand and analyze your article’s content.

Schema markups break the article into different parts and explain to Google wisely what each specific content is about.

It helps Google to categorize your article and push higher for specific keywords in search rankings.

You can create schema markup with Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper or use tools like RankMath and other plugins available for WordPress.

8. Recheck Your Article Before Publishing

Once you have completed writing an SEO friendly article, please recheck it before publishing it on the internet.

There might be some spelling and grammatical mistakes that can be corrected by rechecking which will make your article SEO friendly.

These mistakes should be corrected properly to make your article user-friendly and most important SEO friendly. You can use tools like Grammarly or other tools available on WordPress.


How Many Keywords Should an SEO Article Have?

A perfect SEO article focuses on at least one keyword. Technically you should use 2-3 keywords in your article for ranking high in search results.
Because using more than three keywords would make your title and meta description long which is not suggested.

Does Article Length Affect SEO?

There are no criteria set for how much the length of an article should be but having a sufficient word count means that your article has some information useful to users.
So your article length should justify the topic of the article but better to have a minimum of 1000 words for SEO friendly article.

What is the Golden Rule of SEO?

The one golden rule of SEO which outdates other factors is “content”. A unique, well-written article easily ranks high in search results, gets traffic, and engages users to read.
If your article is unique and well-written, you don’t have to rely on other SEO factors most of the time.

4 thoughts on “8 Tips to Write SEO Friendly Article (2023)”

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