12 Tips on How to Boost Your Blog Traffic

So you have a blog and want to boost your blog traffic organically, then you’ve come to the right place.

Maybe you are new to blogging or have been running a blog for much time, but you need to know such things that can help drive more traffic to your blog.

Boost Your Blog Traffic

You might be making some mistakes or lightly taking some things that are necessary for a successful blog.

In this article, we will discuss the methods and techniques you can implement to get the most out of your blog.

12 Ways to Boost Your Blog Traffic

Write on the Topics People Search For

While it seems good to write about anything you want to write at a time and you may get traffic as well, but in the long run this is not beneficial for you.

Millions of searches are done every day out of which some are untouched topics, which means anybody has not written a proper article on it. This is a green signal because writing on these topics will easily rank on top of search results and get maximum traffic.

And the question is “Where can you find these topics?”

You can use keyword research tools such as Ahrefs. Just search for any specific keyword and you will get a big list of relevant keywords that are searched.

Make Internal Links Linking Older Posts

Internal linking is quite useful in sending traffic from one page to another within the same domain.

You can link older posts that are relevant to the current articles and guide readers to read other articles too. This will not only drive traffic but also increase the time spent on your site.

In my opinion, internal links are more effective than backlinks, therefore you must definitely make proper internal links in your articles. Make sure the links are not broken or redirected.

High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are an important SEO factor in boosting your blog traffic. Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your blog.

One thing that is said about backlinks is “Backlinks can make you or destroy you”.

Backlinks are quite important but that doesn’t mean you start making backlinks from any of the websites. Backlinks from trusted websites are more effective than thousand backlinks from low-quality and scam websites.

Therefore you must check websites before getting backlinks from them to avoid any further loss. High-quality backlinks definitely increase your ranking factor and boost blog traffic.

Create High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content for blogs results in higher chances of ranking and getting more traffic organically.

High-quality content refers to content that provides sufficient knowledge about the topic and is descriptive enough to cover all aspects. It should be of enough word count as long-form content contain more keywords and have a higher chance of ranking high.

Providing enough information to readers will provoke them to visit your site again, which increases watch time as well as trust in you. This sends a good signal to search engines about your site.

Use Images in Blog Posts

The use of images in blog posts plays a major role in boosting your blog traffic due to various reasons.

Including images in blog posts not only makes blog posts visually appealing but also receives tons of traffic from image searches. In fact some sites get more traffic from image searches rather than the content itself.

Images also give you an opportunity to insert keywords through Alt text that helps in ranking high in Search Engine Result Pages(SERPs).

Although using images is quite mandatory in terms of SEO, you just can’t use images by simply copying from Google as it violates copyright policies. You must use images created on your own or from stock photography sites.

Write Eye Catchy Titles

You have heard “First impression is the last impression”, right?

The same phenomenon works here because unique and eye-catchy titles make users click on the post actively. Thus increasing the click-through rate(CTR) results in pushing your blog posts up by Search Engines.

Focus on writing attractive and tricky titles that easily confuse and provoke users to click and read the article. The main thing is the title should not be that confusing to distract users from the topic of the article.

Keep Updating Your Blog Posts

Almost every day data as well as tactics change on the internet. People search for trending topics and the latest updates recently emerged out of nowhere.

Keeping that in mind, for ranking your blog posts it needs to be fresh and updated. Some evergreen content doesn’t require much attention as data contained in evergreen topics doesn’t change frequently.

But for instance, my advice would be that you should check and update your older blog posts frequently.

Promote Your Blog Posts on Social Media

Promoting blog posts on social media platforms helps in getting so much traffic from these platforms and those can be counted as organic traffic.

Sharing blog posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube allows users to follow content according to the niche they are interested in. They can choose whether the posts are worth or not following.

Before promoting blog posts on social media platforms you should keep in mind that oversharing links or any specific content continuously might be considered spam and get your account blocked.

Optimize Your Blog for SEO

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is essential for better ranking of websites. Lots of people think it’s very hard to implement SEO but the thing is you don’t need to be a specialist for that.

Small SEO changes can be done by anyone on their website and absolutely that’s fine. Plenty of tutorials are available on the internet where you can learn SEO for free.

Also, there are countless plugins available for improving the SEO of your site that get the work done in less time and strategically.

Add Videos to Blog Posts

Adding videos to your blog posts is super beneficial as you all know that video format content is most consumed on the internet. It makes users stay on your site for a longer period of time.

Additionally, some topics can’t be explained clearly in a written format whereas videos can help you a lot. If users find your article complete and fully satisfying their needs, Google will definitely push your article high in search results.

The simplest method to add videos to your blog is to upload it on Youtube and embed it on your blog post. Adding videos to blog posts also make it look attractive and appealing.

You can create tutorials, and how-to videos related to your article or use others’ videos too if you don’t own a Youtube channel.

Optimize Your Website Speed

The speed of your website matters a lot in ranking and it’s an important part of SEO.

Nobody likes to wait for a website to load pages, so what they do is leave the page and jump onto another website. Search engines consider it as a bad sign and lower the ranking of a website.

Make sure to continuously check and improve the site speed whether the pages are loading fast or slow. You can use tools for caching, and image optimization but only use the necessary tools because excess of it can make your website heavy.

Search engines consider website speed as an important ranking factor so you must improve it for better performance and ranking.

Start Making Email List

Most visitors visit the website searching for something but what’s the guarantee they will come back to your site again?

You have to do that by making them subscribe to your blog. This way you can make an email list only you have access to and send emails directly whenever you want.

Various plugins are available that you can look for making this task easy. Social media networks do the same thing but some restrictions are there whereas email marketing does not have any limitations.


Is it Hard to Get Blog Traffic?

For some bloggers, it may be hard for some it’s easy not only for beginners but experienced bloggers also face difficulties with it. For getting maximum traffic to the blog, several techniques need to be implemented like high-quality content, backlinks, internal links, website speed, and much more.

How do I Rank My Blog on Google?

For ranking a blog on Google, blog posts should be properly optimized for SEO. In easy words, create high-quality content including keywords, write eye-catchy titles, improve speed, and use rich media such as images and videos in blog posts.

Are Longer Blogs Better for SEO?

A blog post with 300 words is considered fine but blog posts with approximately 1000 words generally rank better than short posts. And longer blog posts with 2500 words or more easily rank better than other posts as they contain enough information and keywords on any topic.

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