How to Make Money From Blog (2023) | 9 Ways to Make Money Blogging

Are you thinking that how to make money blogging or confused what are the best methods to make money blogging?

Make Money Blogging

There are several methods that can be used to make money from a blog out of which some methods have enough potential to single-handedly override other methods.

Out of many methods I have mentioned the best and trusted methods to make money from a blog. Make sure to read the full article to get the most out of your blog.

Best Ways to Make Money Blogging

Below are the best methods out of various methods to make money from a blog.

1. Ad Networks

Ad networks are the most popular and widely used method to make money from a blog. Most new bloggers use this method to monetize their blogs as it is the easiest method of all.

Some of the most popular ad networks are:

Once you get approved by these ad networks, you can place ads on your blog and generate revenue.

The process is fully automatic as you just have to put a piece of code in your site then these ad networks show ads based on your blog’s content.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most profitable to monetize a blog. Almost every blogger from beginner to professional level uses this method to generate revenue from their blog.

Some of the best affiliate networks are:

There are numerous affiliate programs out there you can join and start making a good amount of money from a blog from the first day itself.

You just have to put your affiliate link in your blog and when someone purchases any product from your link then you receive a commission from it. You can make great money from affiliates as the commission depends on the price of the product.

3. Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts are a great way to make money as anyone can do this even beginners are eligible for it. You can easily make from 10$ to 1000$ from a single sponsored post depending on your blog’s authority.

Some of the sites where you can find sponsored posts:

While writing sponsored posts keep in mind not to overdo it because it can degrade your site’s user experience.

Write sponsored posts related to your niche to better gain your reader’s trust. This is a great method to monetize your blog efficiently

4. Paid Reviews

You can also write paid reviews about any product or brand and make money.

This method is quite similar to sponsored posts with only a slight difference. Here you get a product trial for free and you have to write a review on it.

Many brands are interested to advertise their products, so they contact bloggers and influencers for paid reviews or you can contact them yourself.

You can get paid review opportunities from PayPerPost.

5. Create an Online Course

Online Courses are becoming a trend nowadays. People love to learn new skills but they prefer video format more than reading text.

If you can convert your knowledge into a video format, then this method is going to earn great money for you. You have to share your knowledge, make a long video of 1-2 hours, and boom, you just launched an online course.

You can sell your courses on platforms like Teachable.

6. Sell Your eBook

Selling eBooks is becoming profitable nowadays because people love to read eBooks rather than physical books.

If you have been writing blogs for a long time then you can recollect your blogs and convert them into an eBook. You can design a cover using tools available on the internet for free or hire a freelancer for it.

Selling eBooks is very easy as you can use WordPress plugins or publish on Amazon Kindle.

7. Offer Services

Now you have become an expert on your niche so you can offer services or skills using your blog.

You can guide people or make strategies for them and you can charge some money for your services. Brands and entrepreneurs need several services like content writing, video editing, and many more that you can provide.

Create a page and list down the services and products you offer in your blog which should be clearly visible for attracting customers.

You can provide a contact form or other options to contact you for taking your services.

8. By Flipping Websites

If you are an expert at developing a website, then you can make great money by selling websites.

Some of the sites you can use for flipping websites are:

Many emerging brands and entrepreneurs search for already-established sites for their businesses.

You just have to use your knowledge and developing skills to build an impressive website and get sufficient traffic for selling it at higher prices.

9. Sell Digital Products

You can start selling your own digital products and start making a profit from your blog.

If you are a developer or creator, you can sell graphics, templates, tools, or any other digital products easily on your blog.

Numerous plugins are available on WordPress which makes selling your products quite easy and simple.


Is Owning a Blog Profitable?

Of course, owning a blog is very much profitable as earning potential is unlimited in this field. A perfectly established blog is just like a business empire because it can give you a name, fame, and everything you want to achieve in your career.

A blog is a digital property same as real estate is a physical property with equal qualities.

How Will You Receive Blogging Payments?

The payment-receiving method depends on the method you choose to monetize your blog. For example, most of the ad networks directly pay on your bank account and affiliate marketing networks use different payment methods like Paypal, Bank Transfer, and more.

How Much do Successful Bloggers Make?

Most successful bloggers make millions of dollars on a monthly basis from blogging and living a life that so many people dream of. Even beginner bloggers can make something around 100$-1000$ monthly from blogging.

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