How to Make Money on Quora | Quora Space Program

You are constantly searching about making money online or you have heard about making money only by making a blog or affiliate marketing.

But do you know that you can make money on quora from which you can make great money rather than blogging or affiliate marketing?

Make mOney on Quora

Of course, you know about Quora, where people ask questions and get answers. But do you know that it can be used for making money?

You will get to know every detail in step by step process in this article, so make sure to read the full article if you want to make money just by asking questions and giving answers.

Methods of Quora Monetization

There are 3 methods by which you can monetize Quora:

1. Quora+ Adaptive Paywall:

Quora+ is an ad revenue-sharing model where Quora paywalls the content for readers who subscribe to their 5$ or 50$ plan.

Quora+ Subscription

Creators and writers earn revenue on the basis of upvotes, views, comments, and more. Quora needs content to be displayed for readers, so they share ad revenue to keep writers motivated and write content.

This is very necessary for increasing subscribers that’s the reason they can’t ignore their writers.

2. Quora Space Subscription

You can create Quora Space in Quora like Whatsapp or Telegram group where you can publish your posts. You can publish posts just like your blog and allow subscribers to access content, ask questions, and comment.

Subhash Kothari Quora Space

Earlier Quora didn’t have any options to monetize your space but recently they started Quora Space Program to help writers generate revenue from their space.

3. Ads + Subscription Mix up

Or you can do one more thing extra. You can make money from subscriptions and ad revenue both as a Quora Space creator.

Quora Space Program

You can charge some $/month from subscribers to give access to your space content and you can give your Quora Space access to Quora+ for ad revenue sharing.

You have to enable these options in monetization settings on your Quora account to maximize your earnings.


Does Quora Pays for Asking Questions

Actually, Quora does not pay for asking questions, it’s the number of ads that run on the answers given to the question you asked. Earning depends on the ad impressions on those answers.

How Much Can You Earn from Quora Space?

You can earn something between 500$ to 1000$ monthly by gaining followers and upvotes by asking questions and answers.

Can You Make Money by Writing Answers on Quora?

As I said earlier, Quora does not pay you for asking questions or giving answers, it’s a rumor. The ad impressions on the content give you a chance to make money by ad revenue sharing through Quora Partner Program.

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